How the Acer Synergy programme helps its partners succeed

By Press Release 19 April 2021

Acer South Africa has announced the relaunch of its Synergy partner rewards programme as the tech company revised the programme based on insights into how to provide even more support to resellers. FULL STORY >


Q&A: Charmaine van Niekerk, #AcerForGaming

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 June 2017

We chat to Acer South Africa's product manager, Charmaine van Niekerk, about the #AcerForGaming initiative and how they aim to get more girls involved in the local gaming community. FULL STORY >


Acer and The Nexus launch exclusive Experience Room

By Staff Writer 8 February 2017

Gamers can now visit the Acer Experience Room at The Nexus gaming hub to get hands-on with the latest gear in the Predator Gaming series. FULL STORY >


Acer reveals its personal evolution

By Ryan Noik 10 August 2011

Acer explains how a changing world has compelled it to begin a company-based evolution of its own. FULL STORY >

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